Would you like to be a part of the design process? Join the Test Knitting Circle!
A knitting pattern usually takes more than one person to get fully off the ground. The designer enlists the help of various people along the way, including a technical editor, a photographer, a graphic designer - and test knitters. In my process, testers enter the picture after the full first draft of the pattern has been written and has been reviewed by a tech editor, who may suggest changes to the text for clarity. Testers then receive this early version of the pattern and volunteer to knit it on their own following the instructions, after which they are asked to provide feedback about their finished object and about their experience. This feedback is very important when it comes to putting a final draft together before publishing.
When I have a pattern that is near the stage where I need help from test knitters, I reach out to my trusted crew of knitters to see who is available and would be interested in taking on the pattern. If you would like to be part of my Test Knitting Circle, please review the additional notes below and complete the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you in advance for being a crucial part of my process!
A few notes:
You don’t need to be an expert knitter to be a tester, but you should have enough knowledge to be able follow a pattern and provide feedback based on your experience. I will be sure to communicate the skill level and techniques required for each project before you commit so that you can determine if it’s right for you.
Test knitting is a volunteer project, so there is no monetary compensation for being a part of the Test Knitting Circle. Testers are also expected to purchase their own yarn and tools for each project. If I am ever able to provide yarn support or discount codes, I will be sure to share! I will also communicate if yarn substitutions are permitted.
Since testers have early access to a design that has not been published, strict confidentiality is expected. A deadline for completion will also be set. Testers may be asked to sign an agreement.
Testers get to keep the item that they make and will also receive a copy of the final pattern once it’s published.
Test Knitting Circle
Interest Form
If you would like to be considered for the Test Knitting Circle, complete the form below. Please note that submitting the form does not guarantee participation and all applicants are subject to review before being added to the list. Thanks!